Jac. Verschuren - Pechtold bv Jac. Verschuren - Pechtold bv
Jac. Verschuren - Pechtold bv Jac. Verschuren - Pechtold bv
Rose nursery

Jac. Verschuren-Pechtold bv

Jac. Verschuren-Pechtold bv is a rose nursery with a rich history. The founder of the company was Hens Verschuren, principal at the local villageschool in the Haps. He had a great and unsurpassed passion for roses. Growing and breeding roses took so much of his time, that he gave up his job as a principal to fully dedicate his time to rosegrowing.

He founded the company in 1875. At this time, the focus was mainly on growing new varieties, because there were not so many roses in the Netherlands at the time. After his death in 1918, three sons continued the company and in 1930 the company was split into H.A. Verschuren & Zonen and Jac. Verschuren-Pechtold bv at Kalkhofseweg 6(a), where we are currently still located. After the death of Jacques Verschuren in 1946, his widow, Henriëtte Pechtold, continued the company and in 1959 the company was taken over by her son Harry Verschuren.

After his death in 1983, the company was continued by Harry’s son Hein Verschuren. In 2025, the company will have existed for 150 years and will be taken over by Hein’s son Max Verschuren, he will be the fifth generation of rosegrowers in the family.

A lot has changed in the world of roses over the years. In the last century, roses were only grafted onto rootstock. At the time, these roses were often intended for garden centers and gardeners, but also for exporting them worldwide. In Haps, H.A.Verschuren sr. started winter breeding in greenhouses, which meant that many more roses could be grown.

In the 1990s, public greenery became important for cities and towns: this gave the rosesmarket a boost in sales. To meet the needs of this new market, a new cultivation method was developed to make roses more maintenance-friendly in the flowerbeds. This resulted in roses that are produced on their own roots (by cuttings) instead of being grafted onto a rootstock, so that the city planners and all their workers did not have to worry about the wild growth that roses can give, when grafted on a rootstock.

Nowadays our roses are grown in our nursery in both ways and they both have their own market.

Under the current business operations, the focus is on delivering a high quality product, growing a healthy range and taking care of our customers the best way we can. We are working towards sustainable cultivation, something that is becoming increasingly important.

We may even have some organic roses in the near future!